Mon 06 Jan
♥ ______________ CutE ___________ As _____________ a _______________ Butt0N ♥ - 19
😍100% Real 😍JUICY BOOTY💘 MiXeD CuTiE 💘 AvAiLaBlE NoW🎉 {702*757*1613} SPECIALS - 22
(Savannah, Abercorn/Midtown Incalls)
❤$75Specials❤ ▬•&•▬ ★Just This Mornin★ ▬▬▬ ❤Better Hurry!!!❤ ▬▬▬ ★*Trinidadian*★ ▬▬▬ ❤B•a•r•B•i•e•❤ - 23
@#@# DaYTiME SpeCiaLS @#@# HoT , HoTTeR ,HoTTeST !!! ReaDY 24/7 !!!2 - 29
🙌 Bella Badd🍉🍓 The Mixed Dominican Queen👑 💯 Real Or It's 🆓 QV Special! - 22
(Incalls (Southside) Outcalls (All Over), Savannah)
Yumm💕Yumm. 💞come 🔥get 💋Some🔥UPSCALE 💛CLIENTS 💌 ONLY 💓InCall🔥Spls 💕912💙656 💚4667 - 32
(OPEN 24/7.....SAVANNAH, Savannah)
Visit your Black Vixen .. 🌹50 spcl🌹 . Incalls only - 20
(Savannah, Savannah ga, midtown ,abercorn .)
This ExOtiC EBONY 5Oinch Ass is OuTraGeoUs & Taste GooD 🌊$5Oqv SUPERNASTY fr£ak!! Real PHOTO'S! $5O - 25
(incalls ONLY Abercorn st Midtown, Savannah)
So Sexy, So Fine, And Worth Every Dime!! N3VA3H=HEAVEN SENT.. 70 Spl Pooler - 22
(Savannah, pooler hwy 80)
SPECIALS»-★-» ☏ CALL NOW! ☏ »-★-» COM€ ✰ TR€AT ✰ YOURS€LF▀▄▀▄▀ ▀▄▀▄▀▄ ❤ ·.♥ ¯* A_D_D_i_ C - 22
(Savannah, 204 ABERCORN)
✨⭐️ ✨⭐️✨⭐️ ✨⭐️ ❄️🔥⭐️💖✨ Your ULTIMATE Dream Girl ❄️🔥⭐️💖✨ ✨⭐️ ✨ - 22
(Savannah, Portwentworth Exit 109)
~*~*SNEAK AWAY SPECIALS - LeT mE be YoUr LiTTLe FreAk ;-) *~*~ - 21
(Savannah, Incalls Only Abercorn, Savannah, Midtown)
YOuNg☆ KiNkY ☆ Dr!Pp!nG ☆ t!GhT ☆ SeXY☆ FreAK☆ AvAiLaBLe NoW ☆ CoMe PlAy WiTh Me☆ - 23
*★* 65 spc *★* SEXY *★* PLAYMATES *★* - 24
(Savannah, Savannah, midtown INCALLS ONLY!)
$50 Special!!!!Its My LAST Day! Come Play My Way! Dont Miss Out!! Im Waiting For You! Available 24hr - 23
(Savannah, Midtown/Abercorn/Incalls Only hu)
5★ S£rvic£ ♥👙 Last Night 40Qv 70Hh Spls💸🍎 SWEET🍭 Like CANDY🍬🍎 💯 FREAKii Fun 🍓 - 22
(Savannah, Abercorn/Midtown 🏩Incalls Only🏩)
NEW VIDEO!! Smack It! Grab It,As Long You Have It!! Won't Be Here Long! Don't Miss Out On The Best! - 22
(Savannah, Midtown/Abercorn/Incalls Only)
SeXy°°SeDucTive°°Mixed Dominican Beauty√√Bella Badd!! Incalls & Outcalls!!
(Savannah, Statesboro/Pooler/Hardeeville/Rincon)
??? SeXY , SHoRT & SWeeT ??? SoUTHeRN PRiNCeSS ??? SPeCiaLS ALLNiTE ??? ReaDY 24/7 - 29
THE NASTIEST upscale EXOTIC adult STAR IS BAck!!! 60 EARLY SPECIAL hurry i book FAST!!! - 26
(Savannah, incall ((eastside))/ outcall.. NO THUGS)
L@@K!! BeAuTiFuL, PeTiTe, BLoNDe BaRBie {{ 100LBS. oF PuRe PLeaSuRe!! }} *LAST NiTe* - 20
(Savannah, MiDToWN...INCALLS ONLY...ALL NiTe!)
L@@K---> / Panamanian / Sexy Nylah 60/80 $pecials Ask About My Memorial Weekend Special - 22
(Savannah, pooler hwy 80 i95)
((VISITING)) NiNa NiNa NiNa( ♥ Put Me On The Top Of Your To Do List ♥ )-23
(Savannah (Incalls Outcalls))
★T H E★ P E R F E C T ★ ★B E A U T I F U L. ★★A M A Z i N G ★ ★P R O V i D E R - 29
Vivana and her friends! New CHEROKEE & ASIA! Incall&outcalls; available! Brazil's back!$100 special! - 26
(savannah midtown)
Viviana and her friends hot x-X-x fun 4u! Incalls and outcalls! Marie, Cherokee, Asia$100 special! - 26
(savannah midtown)
Vivana and her friends totally into you hardcore! incall ! Loni's back & does it all! - 26
(savannah midtown)
The Very Best In Erotic Entertainment ($100 Special) (Take A Peek) - 22
(Savannah incalls outcalls MIDTOWN)
🔥👉 SPECIALS All Day☎️ CALL NOW ☎️ »-😋-» TREaT YOUrSELF ❤ ❤ A1 Services 💦👅🍒🍭 With Candy 🎀 - 19
(Savannah, Incalls only)
Visiting Atlanta Mixed Yellow Bone kiss my Fat Tight & Juicy Lips PORNHUB MODEL - 23
(Outcalls some incalls, Savannah)
YOuNg☆ KiNkY ☆ Dr!Pp!nG ☆ t!GhT ☆ SeXY☆ FreAK☆ AvAiLaBLe NoW ☆ CoMe PlAy WiTh Me☆ - 23
❤ 💋 ReaL Men WanT 2 GirLS 💋❤—————💋 ❤💋 2 GIRL SPEciAL 💢❤💢—————💢 - 20
(Abercorn St (Midtown area) Incalls/Outca, Savannah)
☆° ❤LOOK •••••►SeXXy Seductive Kinky Mixd Dominican Barbie* ★ * :¦:-•* Stunning and Amazing! ❤ - 20
(Savannah, Pooler Exit 102 (Incalls Only!))
$$$ MiLiTaRY SPeCiaLS ALLDaY $$$ CoME GeT SuM SouTHeRN CuMFoRT!! $$$ ReaDY 24/7. - 29
Roxie Every Mans Desire, An Is Available ALL DAY(: ($50, $75, $100) Call Me 478-538-0913 - 22
(Macon, Riverside Dr, Exit 169)
Hot Hot)Hard day @t work Come Dump a Load off Ready when u are!!!! 45splz...803-331-726for - 22
(Savannah, 💕Abercorn Street💕)
New Girl💄🌙 Cold Nights❄🌹80spls 🌟DaNella Dior 🍒42F's 🎀 SeXc🎀 ExOtiC 🎀bIG boOty🍑 ☎ 918 533 9622 - 21
(Savannah, Abercorn/ 204)
❤░ 【KNOCKOUT 】░❤░ 【 ★PETITE EXOTIC★】 ░❤【 B A R B I E 】 ❤ 【 St. Patrick's Day】【 Specials 🍀🍀】 - 21
(Midtown, Savannah)
I'M BACK AND AVAILABLE RIGHT NOW.... ( incall) You gonna need A license TO Handle These CURVES - 26
(Savannah, INCALL((eastside))/outcall)
HOT LuNCH!! "gORgeOUs peTiTe FReeKee bLOnDe" {{ INCaLLs ONLY }} deLiCiOUs! - 20
💎💎LENA💎💎Classy💄💎with EXCELLENT MOUTH 👅💦👅💦 60 Specials - 22
(Savannah, Savannah/Pooler incalls and outcalls)
Holloween splecials 💕💖💕🌟💖💛S💨M💨O💨K💨I💨N💨G╠╣ot! ♥╠╣ot! ♥ exotic mix ρℓαγmαtε💎🌟💋💎💕💖💕 - 22
(Savannah, Savannah incalls)
💞If Your Yearning❓Come Enjoy This Sweetness🍡🍭All Real💯No Fakes😊😘 - 24
(Midtown Savannah Incalls OutCalls 😘, Savannah)
👑*DaNella 60spl PM🎀 Florida'z Fine$t ♛Beautiful Curvy Goddess HERE 💋42DDD 🌟Phat Azz♛ *NEW PICS* - 22
(Savannah, 204 / i-95 Exit 94)
Fun , flirty , sexy red headed Baby ready 4 fUn 💦💦👅(912) 421 1364 - 20
(Abercorn/midtown area(incalls/outcalls), Savannah)
native female ready to help release some stress n relax you so get away n breath - 24
(Savannah, hinesville ga)
$$$ HoT $$$ HoTTeR $$$ HoTTeST $$$ AlWaYS ReaDY $$$ 24/7. - 26
La§T N¡ghT!!! ➜ °☆°UNRUSHED •GØRG€ØU§ B¡G BØØTy Wh¡Te G¡ГL! - 27
(Savannah, INCALLS Midtwon /OUTCALLS TOO!)
💎💎LENA💎💎Classy💄💎with EXCELLENT MOUTH 👅💦👅💦 60 Specials - 22
(Savannah, Savannah/Pooler incalls and outcalls)
N E W P i C S ★ XXX B R U N E T T E V i X E N ★ T E R Reviewed - 22
L(*) (*)K ----> 1000% Me Or Its FREE!!!!!! 60$ Spl (POOLER) - 22
(Savannah, AIRPORT,EXIT 102, POOLER, HWY 80)
Elite Exotic Bombshell:**ask fr apointments plz - 24
(Savannah, pooler,hinesville outcalls n incalls)
Mirror Mirror on the Wall....You Know Im the HOTTEST of Them All! Website Proof! Upscale! NO QVs - 26
(Savannah, savannah INCALLS)
Sun 05 Jan
Specials all week long!!! 40/15 min 60/ 30 min CAN'T BE BEAT! - 27
(Savannah, Hinesville (incalls only))
🌹🌹🌹CERTIFIED Country Freak🌹🌹🌹(Please read my ad before calling please) - 23
(Rincon pooler savannah garden city, Savannah)
🎀*DaNella DiOr*🎀 50SPL 💎UPSCALE☝ ☎ 918*533*9622🌺 ♛GorGeous Goddess HERE♛💄BIG BooTY 42DDD👠 💋NEW PICS💋 - 22
(Savannah, 204 Abercorn)
60Qv👐STOP SEARCHING!👐 💋 👙FUN SIZE™👙 🔥Sexy🔥✯💯% ME✯ 💎Massages💎 ♥$P€¢!@Ls♥ CALL NOW📲 🌃24/7🌇 - 22
(Savannah, Abercorn/Midtown)